A Series of objects, offset prints; pages from a book, wood board. 10″/10″ inch. 25/25 cm (each). 2015
Memory and gaze into the past invade Keren Benbenisty`s inventory through the pages of the book Crafts in Israel (1974) which chanced into her hands. In the series Seven she cancels the distinction between art and crafts by brutally screwing utilitarian-mundane objects onto archival pictures documenting handicrafts and cataloging items. The pages of the book become a space that combines three tenses: the past documented in the book, the year in which it was published, and the present in which the artist collects and arranges the “finds” into contemporary archeology.
Tali Ben-Nun.
Installation view, Gatherer/ Non Functional Display curated by Tali Ben-Nun at the Artist House, Jerusalem, IL